Thursday, September 18, 2014

Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up: September 30, 2014

Dear Parents,

I am writing to introduce the framework for our Parent/Teacher Conferences on Sept. 30. The goal of these conferences is to have an opportunity to meet with your child’s subject teachers to discuss specific class issues; create, update, or modify existing support structures; or address comments from the Haiku gradebooks.

The format of these conferences is different from the lower school. First, we do not require you to meet with all of your child’s teachers. We encourage you to identify those classes where a conference will be most productive and make those a priority when signing up for a time slot. If you have received an email or phone call from one of your child’s teachers requesting a conference Sept. 30, please make every effort to do so.

Second, we do not set your conference schedule. There is a link to the conference sign-up sheet below, and we ask that you fill in a time slot with the appropriate teacher on your own. Teachers have their own tabs at the bottom of the screen. Once you are on their page, you will see the subject they teach and slots that can be filled in with your name. Please don’t save multiple slots on a teacher’s sheet while working out schedules, as this limits others ability to make an appointment.

Third, conferences are scheduled for 10-minute increments with five minutes between conferences so the teacher can prepare. I realize you may still need more time. You can always make an appointment with a teacher for another day. To be fair to all the other families, please keep conferences to the 10-minute time limit.

Canterbury School will offer drop-in child care for Canterbury students on conference days again this year. Our first conference day is Tuesday, September 30. There is no charge, and care lasts the duration of your family's scheduled conference. Children must be enrolled at Canterbury School to attend (sorry, no younger siblings).

Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we work to develop outstanding middle school students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 336-288-2007 x131.



David Skeen
Middle School Director

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